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What Is Halal Food?

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What is a bakery halal? According to Islamic law, there are three conditions that must be met for foods to be considered halal (lawful) for food preparation, diet and eating. The first condition is that the food has to be fresh. The second is that the food should not have an obvious smell of pork or alcohol.

How can food be proven fresh?

To test how food is being prepared, make a regular trip to your favorite grocery store. Ask the produce section if they can cut it for you and show you how it's being prepared. Do you see anything that resembles pork or alcohol in the food? The only way to know for sure that the ingredients being used in food preparation are indeed food that can be eaten is to check the packaging. If you see the words "halal" or "lawful" on the packaging, this means that the food has been prepared according to Islamic religious laws and it can be eaten.

How about meat?

Islamic law does not permit pork, alcohol or blood to be consumed. But there are a few exceptions to this. Fish that come from clean water such as carp, turtles, bird eggs, etc., and semi-fish such as prawns, shrimp, cod and mackerel are allowed to be eaten. And in special cases, fish that have been allowed to breed with the blood of non-Muslims are considered halal.

However, if the food has meat mixed with dairy products, it can be considered permissible but only once. All the meat must come from a Muslim, and this includes cattle, sheep, donkeys, camels, ostriches and others. So these products cannot be mixed with dairy products such as cheese, cream, milk and yogurt. Only normal dairy products mixed with meat can be eaten.

Now about desserts: the ruling for bakery is the same as for halal food. It is always Halal food, even when the ingredients used are not Halal. This is because in Islam, any action that leads to the death of a living being is forbidden. In bakery, this is not necessary as the ingredients used are simple. For example, sugar, yeast, vinegar and fruit juices are used to make sweet items. This makes the bakery Halal one.

What about alcoholic drinks?

The ruling for alcohol is the same as for all other beverages, i.e. banishment is forbidden. The reason for this is that alcohol is a poison that kills slowly without causing any physical or spiritual harm. Its consumption is thus prohibited. In fact, Muslims consider it to be an abomination.

On the other hand, the rules applied to meat are a little different. For example, pork is not Halal. This is because Halal animals are not eaten except on certain occasions such as on Eid-ul-Fitr. Even then, the quantity eaten is dependent on how big the piece of meat is.

Other than these, there are no other meat products that are permissible for a Muslim to eat in a Muslim bakery. This includes livers, kidneys and hearts. Similarly, organs such as liver, kidney and heart should not be eaten, whether in a Muslim bakery or elsewhere. In fact, these products should not even be seen on a plate in the first place. That is the way things work in Muslim society. This is why you should also avoid eating meat at a Halal bakery if you are traveling to a non-Muslim country.

According to Islamic law, these organs are considered to be unclean and therefore they are to be hidden away. Therefore, it is clear that Halal is a subjective term. It is different for every Muslim. The rules that apply to one may not always apply to another.

Halal food is available for all types of persons, of all age and gender. No one is allowed to pass judgment on a Halal food product. It is only the qualified people that are qualified to judge them. These qualified people are known as muftis.


The concept of Halal has become popular among the masses in the west, and for this reason there are many restaurants that offer Halal food. But it is up to the consumer to be sure that the food is Halal. You can do so by ensuring that you order your food from a Halal bakery. You will be able to rest assured that you are eating Halal food. It is that simple!